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[Movensys’ Solution] Movensys’ IoT sensor SynseIT, allows for anti-vibration control through integration with WMX

  • 2023.09.19
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  • 최고관리자
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  • 1,152

In various industrial sectors, there's a growing interest in enhancing competitiveness through digital transformation. 

However, many companies face challenges about how to integrate the data between the Operational Technology (OT) and Information Technology (IT) domains in their manufacturing processes. 

Movensys provides an IoT sensor solution SynseIT, which can seamlessly convert data generated in the manufacturing environment into a user-friendly digital format by connecting with WMX, 

the software-based motion controller, enabling real-time data collection and anti-vibration control. 

Would you like to learn more about Movensys’ IoT sensor solution SynseIT?


What’s Movensys’ IoT sensor SynseIT?

Movensys’ IoT sensor solution SynseIT enables real-time measurement of vibrations generated by equipment at various locations. 

The collected data can be seamlessly integrated with WMX, allowing for vibration analysis and management through software.

Composition of SynseIT

SynseIT consists of an acceleration sensor (VMS), EtherCAT slave, dedicated cable and can easily trace the vibration-generating motion through vibration measurement and monitoring software called SynseIT EdgeLink.


Differences between SynseIT and other third-party vibration sensors


Benefits of SynseIT through integration with WMX

Simultaneous analysis and interpretation of motion and vibration

SynseIT can determine the motion status at the time of vibration occurrence, which allows the size of the vibration depending on the motion situation to be quantified. 

Therefore, users can easily identify the motion or sequence that causes abnormal vibrations in the equipment.

Optimized anti-vibration control

SynseIT is developed based on EtherCAT and can seamlessly transmit vibration measurements and analysis to anti-vibration motion through integration with 'WMX3'.