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[NEWS] Movensys receives 'Minister’s Award' as a contributor to 2024 industrial digital transformation

  • 2024.12.11
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  • 최고관리자
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  • 1,020
< Director of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, Kyung-hee Je (left) and CEO of Movensys, Keehoon Kim (right) >

Movensys receives the Minister’s Award at the "2024 Industrial Digital Transformation" organized by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, once again solidifying its position as a leading company in digital innovation in domestic and foreign high-tech manufacturing industries.

The award was recognized for improving the control performance of advanced manufacturing equipment including semiconductors through WMX, a software motion control solution. WMX provides excellent scalability and real-time control performance based on its modular structure and serves as an essential foundational technology for establishing smart factories and enabling the digital transformation of advanced process equipment.

Movensys' WMX has not only been verified for real-time control performance by an accredited authority, but has also been applied to various high-tech equipment to prove stability and technical differentiation. In addition, it is maximizing the productivity and efficiency of the manufacturing site by utilizing digital transformation (DX) technologies such as 3D simulator MovenView, AI-based auto- tuning Auto Tune, and high-speed field network CC-Link IE TSN soft master development.

Movensys has established a technical foundation by obtaining patents in major countries such as Korea, Japan, the United States, and Israel for its technology to control servo motors with software only in 2004. Since then, it has expanded its position in the market by successfully working with major domestic semiconductor equipment manufacturers to transform hardware controllers into software-based controllers since 2014. In 2023, it signed a Business Partnership Agreement (BPA) with Mitsubishi Electric of Japan, officially gaining recognition for its technological capabilities in the global market.

"This award is an important achievement confirming that WMX is playing a key role in the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry," said Boo-Ho Yang, chairman and chief technology officer. "We will continue to do our best to strengthen industrial competitiveness by leading the automation of advanced manufacturing industries and building smart factories through constant technological innovation."